Welcome back everyone!  This week brings the beginning of Phase 2 and now the daily activities will look a little different.  The new format each week will look like the following: Mondays will be FitnessGram, Tuesdays offer different workout videos, Wednesdays provide a challenge, Thursdays are for health and wellness, and Fridays will be a choice activity.

Monday, April 27


Abdominal Curl-Up 20


Stretching- Hold 20 second right leg straight, Hold 20 second left leg straight

Pacer-Practice shuttle run, count out 16 steps run from that point down and back 10 times

Tuesday, April 28

Video Workout

Would You Rather v4 Roblox Fitness


Wednesday, April 29

Challenge Activity

Walking Scavenger Hunt, you must find 5 items:

  1. Leaf
  2. Rock
  3. Something yellow
  4. A sign
  5. A bird

Thursday, April 30


Watch the following Video to see if Exercise=Brainpower

And then participate by moving and following along to this video

Friday, May 1


Student will choose to do an activity from Monday through Thursday or do a physical activity of their choice.