We hope everyone enjoyed a great weekend and spent time outside moving and playing in the nice sunshine and warm temperatures.  This week continues to follow the same routine as last week with a Monday FitnessGram activity, a Tuesday Video Workout, a Wednesday Challenge, a Thursday Health & Wellness Activity, and a Friday Choice Activity.  Have a nice week!

Monday, May 4


Abdominal Curl-Up-22


Stretching- Hold 22 seconds right leg straight, Hold 22 seconds left leg straight

Pacer- Practice shuttle run, count out 18 steps, run from that point down and back 12 times

Tuesday, May 5

Video Workout

5 Minute Dance Party Just Dance Remix(Waka Waka, Moves like Jagger, Good Feeling)


Wednesday, May 6

Challenge Activity

Create a 4-5 min dance or fitness routine 

Thursday, May 7


I can learn about why we need sleep and how important it is. Watch the video:

And then participate by printing off and filling out the following sleep chart.

If this is too hard, then think about what a good sleep routine would look and feel like.:

Friday, May 8


Choose an activity from Monday – Thursday or do a physical activity of your own choice. Feel free to choose some thing from the May Mind & Body Calendar, if you like.